From our camp we continued north west along highway 99 following Cayoosh Creek. The river valley was really spectacular, winding river, steep sides, and rocky crags atop the mountains all covered in fresh snow. As a consequence the road was twisty and steep in places, even in this weather there was road work in progress and signs along the way identified a number of projects to start once the weather improved. We were surprised that neither of us had much memory of this part of the road.
A little way before Lilloet the valley of the Fraser River was visible on our right, and a little later Lake Seton's turquoise waters suddenly appeared on the left of the road. It really was a spectacular place.
In Lilloet we noted the Motel-0-Mile which reminded us that this is the start of the Cariboo Gold Trail and that from this point on many places will be named as XX-mile all measured from Lilloet.
As we left Lilloet we were suddenly hit by a burst of hard snow pellets. The rest of the day was marked by sudden changes of weather, sunny one minute snowing the next.
From Lilloet the road followed the Fraser river valley and the nature of the countryside changed to broad open but deep valleys that reminded us of the Columbia River valley. Highway 99 joined 97 a few kilometers north of Cache Creek. We turned north onto 97 and the road improved with many sections of 4 lanes.
At 100 Mile House we took the opportunity to get groceries, fuel and propane and also found an optometrist to fix Nina's glasses - she knelt on them a few days ago.

At Lac La Hache we turned right onto Timothy Lake Road looking for a provincial park and the camping ground at Greeney Lake. About 11 kms from the highway we came to the camp ground and luck was on our side the entrance had been plowed. The remainder of the camp ground was under snow ranging from 2 - 4 feet deep.

After spending some time exploring the area including a stroll down onto the frozen lake I convinced Nina to come out of the Tiger and sit with me on one of the picnic tables and have an evening drink.
It was a perfectly beautiful evening, the sky was clear, the wind was gentle, and sitting outside drinking beer and Bacardi was most comfortable.