About This Site

This website records the overlanding and other travels of Nina and Rob Blackwell and covers a period from March 2009 to the present. The images above are just a taste of the photographic record of our travels. Click here to see all of our travel photos.

Most of the travel recorded here has been vehicle based, and undertaken as overlanding adventures. Over the years we have had a number of vehicles and we have grouped our travels into Adventures based on the vehicle used.

Below you will find a summary of each of the different adventures and links to detailed pages about those adventures.

Clicking here will take you to a consolidated map of all out adventures. Each marker on the map represents a 'camping' spot where we spent at least one night, and the different adventures are represented by different colors.

Finally we hope and plan that the adventures are not yet over.

Hence when we are exgaged in yet another adventure the section below entitled The Latest News will have summaries of the latest posts from which readers can link to the current adventure and all posts related to that adventure.

Our Adventures

The Americas

This is the earliest adventure recorded on this website and started in March of 2009. At the time we were novices at this overlanding thing and really had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. As it turned out .... read more

Around the World

Our longest overlanding adventure occupying approximately 5 years and taking us around the world from the far East of Canada, across North America, the Pacific Ocean to Eastern Russia, then through the Asian continent to explore Europe and then finally .... read more


Our 2019 Australian adventure was sufficently successful that we are now living back in Australia, planning a new travel vehicle and some more Australian based exploration. The new vehicle is currently undergoing some modification and preparations and sometime in 2nd quarter of 2023 we will be able to do our first trials.

Stay tuned .. once it is in our hands we will give you a tour and run down.

..... click to see more.


We will end 2019 with a cruise to the Antarctic aboard the Greg Mortimer. This is a new ship, having just completed its maiden voyage and is named after a famous (in Australia at least) mountaineer and antarctic traveler. ..... click to see more.

Asia 2020 and 2023

At long last we are about to restart the Asia trip that was aborted by COVID19 in 2020.

..... click to see more.

Travels with our Earthroamer

After completing our The Americas adventure we mistakenly believed that we would not undertake any more vehicle based travel outside North America and with that mind set, in 2011 just after OverlandExpo, we purchased a used 2008 Earthroamer. However as plans .... read more

Motorcycle Adventures

In 2015 on our annual return to the US, I Robert, decided to get myself a motorcycle license (my first ever experiences with motos) and a year later (again on our annual return to the US) I bought my first motorcycle a 2011 BMW1200 GS. That same year that motorcycle presented me with a broken leg and thats why we did not return to Europe that year. It was probably inevitable .... click this link to read more.

Upcoming - A Great Train Journey

In the second half of 2024 we are undertaking A Great Train Journey, from Singapore to London by train. Not one train but a series of interlinked train routes. That will take us through Malaysia, Laos, China, Tibet, Kazakstan, Georgia, Azerbajan, Turkey, Austria, and France. ..... click to see more.

The Latest News

Desert Drive (Dubai, United Arab Emerits)

Journal entry for Saturday 19th Oct, 2024 (day 76, miles 0)

When we went out this morning we found this (first photo) greeting on the front door step. Very playful of someone. The first set of photos are to remind us of the tone of the resort.

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Moving Locations (Dubai, United Arab Emerits)

Journal entry for Friday 18th Oct, 2024 (day 75, miles 0)

Today we moved locations. From our hotel in Dubai we travelled 3.5 hours by car south past Abu Dhabi and inland to a desert resort called QSAR AL SARAB. Before departing Nina went for one of her early morning walks and from this contributed a single photo to todays collection. The drive itself certainly underscored the UAE's investment in infrastructure, the roads are first class and high speed (140km/h speed limit), massive long distance electrical wires, and a number of power stations and water desalinations plants to be seen.

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Dinner in the Desert (Dubai, United Arab Emerits)

Journal entry for Thursday 17th Oct, 2024 (day 74, miles 0)

Today was a slightly more relaxed day as we had nothing organized until the afternoon, when we were scheduled to get driven to a desert conservation area to experience some soft four wheel driving and dinner. Before that we relaxed and visited Dubai Mall again, this time for lunch.

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Dubai II (Dubai, United Arab Emerits)

Journal entry for Wednesday 16th Oct, 2024 (day 73, miles 0)

Today we had an all-day tour of the modern city. At the start of the day we did not really understand what that would entail. But by the end of the day we would have been to the 125th floor of the worlds tallest building, discovered the best acquarium we have ever experienced, had lunch in a boat on the 54th floor, and been closeup and personal with Gentoo and King penguins.

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Dubai I (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

Journal entry for Tuesday 15th Oct, 2024 (day 72, miles 0)

We arrived in Dubai last night around 22:00 and boy was it an eye opening experience. The first hint of the size and audacity of this place was the 20 minute bus ride from the steps of our plane to the terminal, followed by the size of the airport terminal which could only be described as cavernous and palacial. During the drive to our hotel there was frankly too much to take in, high rise buildings everywhere and a diversity of shapes, and capping them all was the Burj Khalifa, the worlds tallest structure at 830 meters.

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