Sunday (Domingo) 18th October, 2009
Day 219

Caraz, Peru
Caraz, Peru
Miles: 25,220
S 09.04855°
W 77.81403°

We continued on the rough dirt road this morning to the village of Huallanca looking forward to the sealed road south to Caraz as described in the guide book. But alas the book lied, at least a little. After Caraz the road continued to be gravel but of a better quality as it climbed up into the Canon Del Pato. This was yet another amazing road. Built about 1913, presumably to put in the hydro power plant, it winds along the side of the canyon for maybe 6 miles and passes through 30 rough rock tunnels. At places the canyon (like the one yesterday) is less than 50 yards wide (about a 1/2 wedge shot).

Eventually we came to the hydro plant at the top of the canyon and thereafter we found the sealed road and a pleasant drive along a wide valley into Caraz. At the entrance to Caraz we found an interesting driving puzzle that sort of summarized South America for me. There is an intersection, one road straight ahead, another road turning sharp left. The road to the left has a very clear sign saying no left turn but the road straight ahead is obviously blocked by a huge pile of dirt and other road works. What to do?? Turn left obviously, the locals cannot even conceive that this is a problem.


We camped in the compound at Los Pinos Hostel/Hospedaje, just like the travelin-tortugas. The GPS coordinates S 09° 2.913' and W 77° 48.842' is for the back gate that provides access to the court yard. Good wifi.