Wednesday (Miercoles) 3rd March, 2010
Day 356

Santa Isabella, Argentina
Santa Isabella , Argentina
Miles: 38,484
S 38.18439°
W 57.67685°

Today we moved on from Camp Americano heading to the coast further north and east near Mar Del Plata, reputed to be the most popular beach resort in Argentina. The guide book says that at the height of summer the beaches at Mar Del Plata are so crowded that one cannot find a place to lie down. Fortunately it is past the high season so we won't have that level of a crowd.

The sky was overcast as we left Monte Hermoso and the weather gradually deteriorated during the day. By the time we got to a campground just north of Miramar it was raining hard, and the clouds were at ground (and sea) level. Along the beach front north of Miramar there were acres and acres of rough parking lots, many with frames for vehicle sun shades, presumably to accommodate the summer hordes.


Camping The Horneros, Sanata Isabella is alongside highway 11 north of beach resort town of Miramar on the way to Mar Del Plata. It's a bit inland from the beach and is another one of those Argentine camping resorts, like Americano - but a lot more run down. This one also seems to have closed for the season. The pool was empty, the bar closed, wifi turned off, and even the showers were not heated any more (they offered to turn on the hot water for us if we waited an hour for it to heat.)