Sunday (Domingo) 2nd May, 2010
Day 415

Aconcagua, Argentina
Aconcagua, Argentina
Miles: 42,479
S 32.81203°
W 69.94318°

We spent a bit of time exploring some of the outer parts of Mendoza this morning looking for other campgrounds and one of the Spas that we had heard about. We will visit one of these Spas when we return to Mendoza in a few days.

Then it was westward towards the mountains and Chile. We are going to visit Santiago for a few days to get some maintenance work done on the vehicle - in particular 2 new rear tires - and along the way we will get to see (we hope) Aconcagua, as noted in an earlier entry the highest mountain outside the Himalayas.

Climbing up into the Andes the scenery was much drier than we had expected, but never the less spectacular. Eventually we arrived at Puente Del Inca with its famous mineral springs and the turn off to the Aconcagua viewing point. Unfortunately the mountain was in cloud so we only got to see its flanks not the peak. As we prepared our evening meal and got ready for a chilly night we hoped that the morning would bring clear weather and better viewing.

It was great to be back in the mountains after all the grass lands. We will pretty much be hugging the Andes north from here almost all the way back to Colombia.


Just east of the settlement of Puente Del Inca there is a Parque Nacional entrance and a 2 km road that leads to a parking lot and the start of the trail to the base of Aconcagua. We stayed the night in the parking lot at an altitude of just under 10,000'.