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...click/tap to read the full postRegular readers of this blog may recall that back in 2016 I acquired a BMW1200 GS motorcycle and not long after that acquisition I suffered a broken leg courtesy of that same motorcycle and my inexperience ( this link).
...click/tap to read the full postFor the first two days of this adventure I am accompanied by a friend named Todd, so I have to admit that the journey is not entirely solo. But only a small cheat.
...click/tap to read the full postWe were pleasantly surprised this morning to find that the campground had a cafe that opened at 8:00 so morning coffee was pretty easy to organize. So once fortified we packed and headed to the ferry terminal to await the loading of the vessel to Horse Shoe Bay. By the time loading started there were a large pack of bikes of all kinds most laden down with gear for an extended journey.
...click/tap to read the full postHighway 99 continued past Lillooet this morning and continued to be great riding and spectacular scenery; the weather even continued acceptable. At the intersection with Highway 12 is the town of Cache Creek and here I had breakfast before continuing north on 12. Soon the weather deteriorated with torrential rain, high wind and even hail.
...click/tap to read the full postYesterdays storm was gone this morning to be replaced by crystal clear sky and bright sun which displayed the countryside wonderfully. However without the usual expedition photographer along on this journey the job of capturing the scenery and recording events fell to me. I just hope I am up to the task.
...click/tap to read the full postToday my route took me West along Highway 16 a somewhat less busy road than Highway 97 of the previous couple of days. The weather continued generally fine but with a strong buffeting wind that made riding a little less pleasant than normal.
...click/tap to read the full postHeading North this morning from Bell 2 was more of the mountains, forests, good lonely road of yesterday. Though a little spice was added by patchy rain showers that sometimes were quite heavy. The rain slowed me down some what as I am still a bit of a novice to this motorcycle stuff and I don't want to misjudge a corner in the wet. Late morning, some what before Dease Lake I called into Tatogga Lake Resort a campground and restaurant housed in a quaint log building where I had breakfast (or as it is becoming the days main meal).
...click/tap to read the full postThe first phase of todays journey was to complete the crossing of British Columbia and arrive at the border with the Yukon Territory. The effort required to cross BC from South to North never ceases to amaze me, and this trip is no exception. At the Yukon border sign the odometer on the bike is showing 30584 miles or 1300 miles since the ferry from port Angeles first dropped me on BC soil. A few more miles and the Cassiar Highway was done and I have arrived at the Alaska Highway.
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