Posts From Armenia

Armenia I (Dilijan, Armenia)

Journal entry for Tuesday 17th Sep, 2024 (day 44, miles 0)

Another day another country, at least that is what it sometimes feels like. This morning our Georgian local guide and driver took us south to the Armenian border, where we joined a long queue of other tourists to complete the immigration processes to get us out of Georgia and into Armenia. With a new local guide and driver we were set for another day of sighseeing. to read the full post

Armenia II (Yerevan, Armenia)

Journal entry for Wednesday 18th Sep, 2024 (day 45, miles 0)

There were times today when it felt like we were trying to circumnavigate the entire country of Armenia in a single day. That was not really the case but regardless you will see in the images below that we did cover a lot of territory. to read the full post

A day in Yerevan (Yerevan, Armenia)

Journal entry for Thursday 19th Sep, 2024 (day 45, miles 0)

Yerevan is a very old city with parts of the city being inhabited as far back as 3000BC, and the fortress of Erebuni (from which maybe the modern name of the city is derived) being established in 782BC. The following link Yerevan will give more details on the history of Yerevan. to read the full post