Posts From Kazakstan

Crossing the border to Kazakhstan (Prestige Hotel, Kazakstan)

Journal entry for Sunday 1st Sep, 2024 (day 28, miles 0)

As you can see from the first photo we arrived in Yining early in the morning. Even this little insignificant town has a grand railway station. The town was noticeably different to the other Chinese towns we have visited. More signs of Islam, different food, and a general air of "more broken down". In any case from here we started the 1-2 hour drive to the border and the town Khorgas. Along the way we travelled mostly on a very modern dual carriage way road, saw lots of agriculture include sun-flowers, and as we approached Khorgas, many many massive warehouse buildings, yards full of new trucks and new cars. to read the full post

Canyon and Lake (Almaty, Kazakstan)

Journal entry for Monday 2nd Sep, 2024 (day 29, miles 0)

Today was a long day of driving. The first stop of the day after 2-3 hours driving was a National Park called Charyn Canyon, which as you might expect is a large and picturesque canyon carved by the Charyn/Sharyn River. Nina and I visited this site in 2013 and since that date it has acquired a boom gate to ensure visitors pay the entry fee, a number of accommodation buildings, and a "main" facility that includes a cafe. None of this improves the natural experience of the place. But Kazaks like Australians cannot go anywhere without a cup of latte. to read the full post