Posts From Loas

Bangkok traffic (On a train, Loas)

Journal entry for Tuesday 13th Aug, 2024 (day 9, miles 0)

There was a shortish tour this morning to a place called The Prasart Museum. This museum seems to be the personal effort of one man (whose picture is on the Museum pamphlet but whose name I cannot find) to restore to Thailand, and display, historic artifacts, furniture and ceramics, collected and removed by other nations. Some of the photos below try to capture the nature and quality of those restorations. to read the full post

A tuk-tuk ride and Lots of Buddhas (Vientiane, Loas)

Journal entry for Wednesday 14th Aug, 2024 (day 10, miles 0)

We were rousted out of bed about 6:30 this morning so the cabin attendant could reconfigure our cabin for day time seated travel; and also to prepare us for disembarcation at Nong Khai, the border town where we would complete our Thai exit and Lao entry processing. Thereafter we would take a local train on the short remaining ride into Vientiane. At least that was the plan. to read the full post

More Buddhas (Vientiane, Loas)

Journal entry for Thursday 15th Aug, 2024 (day 11, miles 0)

Our first sightseeing stop today was a place called Buddha Park, and to be frank I was a bit weary of Buddha and was not enthusiastic. But the place was a pleasant surprise. It was located a good distance out of town and on the banks of the Mekong River and is a lovely garden setting for some enormous statues. The statues of course are all depicting Hindu themes but the size and the variety made it more interesting. to read the full post