Posts From Thailand

First Overnight Train (On the train, Thailand)

Journal entry for Sunday 11th Aug, 2024 (day 7, miles 0)

Another fast start today. Out of the hotel at 9:00 for a 10:00 train to Pandang Besar, a border town between Malaysia and Thailand, where we do border processing and pickup a night train to Bangkok. That all sounds pretty straight forward and certainly the first train was. A modern Euro-style electric train that went as fast as 150km/h. There were a lot of stops along the way and a significant number of locals getting on and off. There was not much to see during the ride because of heavy jungle close to the track that obscured ones vision. Where a view became available one noticed that palm oil forests were still plentiful but compared to yesterday there were now more rice fields. Late in this leg we saw a number of large limestone outcroppings, each attended by its own cement factory. to read the full post

Sightseeing Bangkok (Bangkok, Arte Hotel, Thailand)

Journal entry for Monday 12th Aug, 2024 (day 8, miles 0)

Despite the antique nature of the sleeping carriage Nina and I got a good nights sleep. By about 7:30 activity in the carriage picked up with passengers going through their morning rituals and merchants walking through selling various foods (almost non of which I could recognize) and drinks. About 1 hour before the schedued arrival in Bangkok the cabin staff started the process of returning the carriage to its day-time seated configuration which in addition required the rolling up and collection of all the bedding. Quite a process to witness. to read the full post