This morning we drove a short distance up out of the valley to the small village of Gangtay to visit a temple named Gangtay Gonpar. It is an impressively large building sitting at the end of a ridge line overlooking the Phobjikha Valley. After the temple we spent a little time exploring the village, one of its general stores (quite well stocked) and the moss growing on the nearby cypress and pine trees. While walking around the village the rain turned, for a short period, into snow/sleet. Later we noticed a spinkle of new snow on the trees higher up the slopes.

On returning to the Phobjikha Valley we spent an hour or so walking along one of the unpaved roads and board walks to visit a small isolated stupa. The rain held off for the duration of our walk.

I spent the remainder of the day lazing around the hotel while Nina venturd out once more to ensure the mandatory 10,000 steps were logged.