We started the day with a visit to Glenoran Pools and the One Tree Bridge, a bridge built by original settlers that consisted of a single tree felled across a river. Near the bridge is a stand of four Karri trees called the Four Acres which are quite spectacular but alas it does not seem possible to capture the grandeur in a photograph.

Continuing our morning of trees we visited, but did not climb, the Gloucester Tree; one of a number of very tall (53 meters about 185 ft) local climbing trees. You might notice in the pictures that climbing this tree is via steel spikes driven into the trunk of the tree.

UPs, a local saying is all the UPs are down, meaning (approximately) that down from Perth there are many many places with names that end in UP, so for example in the past few days, we have visited Nannup, Manjimup, Boranup, Nornalup, and will visit Torndirrup today. We are told by locals that the UP means "something to do with water". Not particularly precise but there you are.

We added the photo of the Manjimup Hotel partly for the name but also because it is a typical small town Hotel building.

Crystal Springs campground. Another primitive camp this evening again with only non-potable water and pit toilets. This one was under the canopy of a forest of very low trees so that it felt like being in a building with a nice carpet of leaves under foot.