Anyone that has travelled by vehicle will understand the idea of a getting organized day. This involves repacking the entire vehicle so we both know where things are, buying food and packing it into the very limited space provided by this new vehicle, planning a detailed route for the first few days.

Hence we spent a number of hours at the motel this morning repacking. Then a number of hours at the nearby town of Atherton (a regional supply center) buying food and last minute essentials, before finally heading to the town of Mareeba and the start of the Wheelbarrow Way. Why the name "wheelbarrow way", well back in the late 1800s early 1900s families traveled this road carrying their possessions in a wheel barrow. In more recent times there have been wheel barrow races from Dimbulah to Chillagoe.

After lunch in Dimbulah we found a backroad called Herberton-Petford Road which led us to a bush camp on the banks of Emu Creek and some interesting photos of reflections in the creeks dark water.