This morning we continued along the Herberton-Petford road towards the town of Irvinebank with various attractions, an old tin mining town, a very large snake with a black head, a very impressive Brahman bull, and in Irvinebank a very industrious flock of guinea fowl, and an impressive display of old ford cars and trucks in the garage of a local resident.

After Irvinebank we decided to make a return to Atherton via Herberton in the hope of picking up some items that we had neglected to put on our packing list.

Once underway again we followed Hwy 1 - The Kennedy Highway to Mt Garnett where we picked up another back-road called the Mt Garnett-Lappa Railway Trail. The interesting things about this road is that it is a decommissioned railway line and has a very steady grade (as required by steam trains) which is achieved by numerous cuttings through granite outcroppings and raised earth platforms cross small valleys. An amazing 55km of hand carved earth works.

We spent the night beside the track about mid way along.