Today continued the "finding something to do" exercise started yesterday. So from our gravel pit camping spot we headed back into Greenvale so that Nina had somewhere safe and civilized to walk (rather than doing laps of the gravel pit) while I bought coffee at the local gas station and sat at one of their picnic tables and was entertained by a wide variety of local feathered birds who tried to entice me into sharing my breakfast and coffee with them.

From Greenvale we headed west to join up with the Great Inland Way at the Oasis Roadhouse and The Lynd Junction. We followed this south for a while before picking up Oak Park Road. This turned out to be another gravel surfaced cattle station access road which generally headed west and north and after 100km+ and many many floodways (crossings of dry or almost dry creeks) arrived at the historic copper mining town of Einasleigh.

Towards the end of the days journey into Einasleigh we passed by The Site of the Kidston Solar Energy site which from the signs we saw will have a pumped hydro storage facility.

We spent the night in the basic but cute Silk's Rest site, donations requested of $10 per person per night.Signs read BYOTP Bring your own toilet paper.)