We started our day with a walk in Copperfield Gorge. This is in actuallity the river bed of the Einasleigh River in the town of Einasleigh. But it really is a small, spectacular, rock gorge. In past days this was the site of a short lived copper mine.

We then headed West along a minor sealed road to Forsayth where we picked up a few supplies from its neatly modernized roadhouse/cafe/general store. North from Forsayth is Georgetown and back on Highway 1 the Savannah Way we did a bit more shopping before travelling West to Mt Surprise.

Wait a minute !! - weren't you guys in Mt Surpsie a few days ago ? Yes, that's correct. I did tell you a few posts back we were marking-time. In any case Mt Surprise gave us additional opportunities to pickup a few supplies.

Mt Surprise also had a couple of information plaques that gave a little glimpse into the tenacity (or is that stupidity of the earliest settlers). Read the story in the pictures above about the families that worked for the Queensland Railway for 125 years. Or the family of first settlers to Mt Surprise who spent 6 years walkinig their sheep herd to Mt Surprise from Brisbane.

Tonight we are back at Undara, in the same camping spot as last time.