At the start of the day we were focused on our role in a geo-location game we had agreed to play with brendon. We were to hide some small treasure in the bush along the Gibb River Road and send him the GPS coordinates. The game was whether he could find what we hid. So for the first few hours of todays drive we were on the lookouot for a suitable location. We eventually sellected Bells Creek.

What was the treasure ?

Two cans of Coke and some fruit. Sunk in the water of the creek to keep it somewhat cool.

To our own surprise and under the incentive of the days heat we just kept driving ( After all the interior of the vehicle is the coolest place we could find) and eventually arrived in Broome late in the day.

Broome, it turns out, is no cooler than the Gibb River Road.

We stayed in Broome two nights. The second night we had the pleasure of motor racing at the speedway right next door to the campground. We were both thankful for or Apple Airpods and their noise cancelling feature.