We spent a lazy morning at the RV park before heading to Blanding's visitors center to meet up with the group of ERs and the guide. Along the way we discovered that only the gas stations and the visitors center are open on a Sunday.

We were at the meeting place about an hour early. Even so three ERs were already there. The remainder drifted in and then we spent some time getting a briefing from Bill the guide.

Eventually we headed west out of Blanding over some good trails to a view of Comb Wash. Then retracing part of the route onto SR95 for a few miles and off into the bottom of the same canyon we were previously looking down on. A few miles up the canyon we camped under a stand of Cottomwood trees.

Nina joined a group for a walk up a side canyon to some indian ruins built under sandstone cliffs.

Following dinner Bill started a good size campfire - it was pleasant we have not had a campfire in a while.