The highlight of this mornings travel was the Dent Bridge on the forest road between Elk River and Orofino, it spans the North Fork of the Clearwater River behind Dworshak dam and reservoir. Seems like this bridge is a big deal to the locals in terms of providing a shorter route from the Elk River region into Orofino, though we thought the description of the bridge(on one of the info signs) and "one of the most beautiful structures in America" was a bit excessive.

At Orofino, we resupplied with groceries and fuel, and then followed Hwy 12 south to Harpster then Hwy 14 east looking for a camping spot. The plan is that tomorrow we will follow Hwy 14 and then a series of forest roads into Montana.


Along Hwy 14 on the South Fork of the Clearwater River we found a number of campgrounds and eventually chose one called Nelson Creek, primitive and free.

We had our first camp fire of the trip this evening, used it to cook the steak for a steak salad and even tried the nearby river for a brief "dip" - turned out to be a bit too cold for my taste.