Today was to be a short day of sightseeing and activities as we had another overnight train to catch this afternoon. The first item on the agenda was a visit to the cities museum which apparently has a high ranking amongst Chinese museums. At the time I was not sure what that meant but might expand in a later post.

Even though Lanzhou is at a modest altitude I was still suffering from something and so was not up to giving the museum the attention it deserved. So this post will include Nina's photos and say no more.

The highlight of the day was a return trip to the Yellow River where Nina decided she wanted to have a ride on one of the little rafts we saw yesterday. As you can see from the photos these are very small crafts, and they get their floatation from inflated sheep carcases. In the photos you can see the skin of the legs poking up between the cross rails. After that it was off to the station for another overnight train. This time to the far western city of Urumqi.