Today was always planned to be a long driving day as we were to travel the Georgian Military Road north from Tbilisi to almost the Russian border. Although the drive was under 200km in each direction, the round trip took just on 12 hours and along the way we saw

The Military Road is both a major transport corridor (between Georgia and Russia) as well as a significant recreational route for Georgians as along this road there are many rafting businesses, a major ski resort, and the mountains near the Russian border provide a wonderful playground for hiking, hang gliding and climbing.

While the days drive was underway another exercise was underway. Nina had accidentally left her Apple Airpods in the hotel room in Telavi and with considerable help of our local guide Teona we had determined that they had been found and were in safe keeping with the Telavi Hotel. But the question was how to get them to us in Tbilsi. During the course of the day a taxi driver in Telavi had agreed to bring them to the Tbilsi hotel (for a fee of course) and we, and the local guide, were on tender-hooks all day waiting for word that they had arrived.

I am pleased to report that the AirPods were waiting for us in the Tbilsi Hotel when the days drive ended. Thank you to Teona for her help.