This morning a short bus ride from Batumi deposited the group at the Georgia-Turkey border along with a few hundred locals and maybe a hundred other tourists. So the crossing, which consisted of much pushing and shoving, was a little time consuming but not complicated. Once in Turkey we met our new local guide and driver and started a long slow drive of approximately 300km to the city of Kars. This was a spectacular drive. It was a mountainous road for almost the entire length. Initially passing some impressive dams and hydro power plants and then later, villages used by shepards (of sheep, goats and cows) during the summer months. In keeping with the entire trip however, because there were no temples/mosques/churches to see we did not stop for photographs but just kept driving. As you might guess that will be a point of feedback when this trip is over.

I am sorry to report that although the driver was uncharacteristically slow and careful, this was a dificult drive for Nina and by the time we got to Kars she needed to go straight to bed. Hence the final photo below of the old castle ruins in Kars (which we did not get to explore) was provided to us by our guide.