What day is it? It is Tuesday the 17th July. S@#it we are supposed to be in Winnipeg by 3:00pm today to meet someone at the airport!

That started a long day of driving and came about because we had for the past week been working on the timetable that had us arriving in Winnipeg on Wednesday 17th. How did we get the days so confused? It could not possibly be a function of age now could it.

So we spent the entire day trying to make up for our confusion. At the end of the day our GPS told us that we have travelled 390 miles, been on the road for 8 hours, had averaged 47 mph and had only been stationary for 14 minutes.

So much for our plan of easy days not driving more than 150 miles in a day.

Oh, by the way Nina drove the truck for the first time today, for about 60 miles. She would describe her current level of truck driver training as - "I can drive forward pretty well, but I am still a bit unsure about stopping". Very comforting for the passenger(me).

Our route continued on from yesterday along Highway 13 in Saskatchewan, turning into Highway 2 in Manitoba. This is called the Red Coat Trail and old mounted police route to the West. It was a pretty drive with various crops covering the landscape interspersed with attractive farmhouse complexes and periodically small towns. No matter how small a town it seems to have a farm machinery supplier, even if nothing else.