Today was a bit of a bust. I woke with a moderate tummy upset and headache that persisted all day. I put it down to the corn we bought yesterday from a roadside vendor. It was either simply too much corn (2 large cobs) or maybe the corn spiced with some local micro-organisms; though Nina suffered no bad effects.

As a result of my slight sickness we traveled less than 100 km today and I spent much of the day "resting" on the camper bed while Nina tried to find a way to amuse herself.

Our one side trip today was at the township of Grigoryevka where a river valley winds up into the mountains north of the lake. We followed a dirt track for a number of kilometers before encountering an entrance gate and a man asking USD10 entrance. We decided against paying and headed back down the valley with the idea of collecting some water for the house tank at one of the fast flowing irrigation canals.

After getting out all the gear, pump, hose, electrical cable the pump would not supply any water. With the help of a local farmer we eventually diagnosed the problem as "turbulent water" - the farmer suggested a different place in the canal where the water was moving more slowly and helped me fill our tank.

A parking lot beside the road.