As you can see from the dates on this post we are still at that campground in Goreme. We have simply been enjoying the peace of not moving everyday and we certainly have enjoyed the sunshine, the interestng scenery and the balloons. Notice in the first photo in the 3rd set (they are the ones from today), that shot was taken looking up through the hatch over our bed. We have spent a number of mornings doing that - laying in bed watching the balloons fly.

After a lot of fussing around getting ready we were finally underway about midday and thereafter headed west. As we traveled we saw many many trucks carrying large loads of "brown lumps" - we could not work out what they were and started speculating about what they could be, but eventualy we found a pile of these beside the road and thus could get a closer look. We were still not sure of what they were but one of the guesses was "sugar beet" - and voila a quick enquiry of google on our trusty phone and our curiosity was finally satisfied.

As the sun started to set we got off the highway about 60 km west of Konya onto a minor road and found a nice patch of ground not far from a shepard and his flock of sheep.