We were welcomed this morning by bright sunshine and blue sky. Before getting underway we spent some time walking along the water front enjoying the fabulous scenery before making a quick tour of the gun battery.

Once moving we had to retrace our route back to the west coast and then to Eceabat before getting onto the road north towards Istanbul. The drive along the coast going north was wonderful, green and brown farm land backed by the blue of the Dardenelles and the Sea of Marmara, brightly colored water front towns.

As the day wore on the traffic got a little thicker but nothing serious as the roads continued to be good and mostly 4 lane.

Just as the sun was going down we arrived at Istanbul Mocamp near the town of Selımpaşa. To our relief the caretaker was present. It did not take long to get hooked up and settle in for the night. That was after showers under hot but trickling water in a well ventilated shower room.