Much of today was occupied simply driving west along the A4(E40) motorway and hence there is not much to say about that part of the day; except perhaps how pretty the German countryside is. However towards mid afternoon as we passed by the city of Dresden we exited into the town of Radeburg and negotiated our way to the village of Konigsbruk in order to visit Romy's (our hostess in Thilhove) father and step mother.
Their house is a Canadian style log house built on a large wooded lot that encompasses a nice creek and a number of out buildings. The family has owned the property for a number of generations and between the 1930s and early 1970s ran a small tourist business providing camping and canoeing. We spent a very pleasant evening with them walking through the lovely forests, watching Germany play the USA in the World Cup, and hearing the history of the family and the area. The entire Dreseden region was part of the GDR during soviet times and the area immediately around Konigsbruke was a series of soviet era factories and a USSR army base.
There was a bit of nostalgia associated with the visit as the evergreen trees and climate reminded us of the Pacific Northwest and our house in Washington.