More trucks, forest and farm land today; and it rained most of the day. Crossing into Lithuania we noticed that the villages seem a little more run down, the cars and trucks seem a little more beaten up and we see more incidents of people parked on the side of the road fixing their vehicles. All together more "ex-soviet" in nature. Also the driving styles have become more "eastern". All roads now have three lanes, mine, the one coming towards me, and the one that someone is trying to make between those two. Something that is totally unheard of in Germany. Maybe the driving style explains the many small shrines we noticed on the road side.
We made it all the way to Vilnius today and were pleased to find the camping ground in the city (called creatively Vilnius City Camping) that we had read about, a little more accomodating than the one we tried in Warsaw.
It is only a short distance off the A1 motorway, easy to get to, had lots of room and no height restrictions. Though to get there we did have to drive down a street against a no trucks sign - a practice that we are becoming very familiar with.
Another interesting feature of the days drive were the many bird nests on the top of power poles along the road way. The birds looked like storks, although we are not expoerts at such determinations.