This morning I discovered that during yesterdays removal of the hot water tank I committed a rather embarrassing oversight. After packing up and doing all the other "leaving-camp" chores this morning I decided that I would start the truck and warm up the engine while Nina went and paid the bill. So I was sitting in the cab letting the engine idle when suddenly the truck computer started making it's unmistakeable something is wrong noise, a high pitched siren; to be helpful the computer also displayed a sign on the instrument panel that indicated low coolant. Shutting down the engine I rushed to the side of the truck to check the valves that close off coolant flow to the (now removed) hot water tank only to discover that those valves were open and that coolant had been pumping into the space under the kitchen sink where the hot water tank resides. That commenced a good hour or so of soaking up red coolant with paper toweling and topping up the cooling system with water. What a stupid mistake, but fortunately with no significant consequences.

With those coolant valves now closed we set off some what later than expected on the days journey towards Copenhagen. During the afternoons drive we had some real Washington weather with periods of nice sunny skies interspersed with very heavy rain. The rain provided a good test of my fixes to the air conditioner. The good news is that the big leak of a few days ago seems to be fixed. The not so good news is that we did get a few drops of water from the air conditioner's air vents. But as yet I cannot assess the significance of those drops. Time will tell.

We spent the night in a road side picnic area near the town of Granna.