Boarding was scheduled for about 9:30 this morning, but as you can guess people were up, going and
lining up in their vehicles well before that time. To add to the developing traffic jam the 30
or so vehicles that parked in the lot last night were joined by a steady stream
of additional vehicles (many of them motorhomes). This abundance of vehicles quickly overwhelmed
the official staging area and the traffic marshals resorted to parking the new arrivals in yet another
gravel lot. When boarding finally started it was quite a crush unpacking the jam and getting everyone
into an orderly line. But like many chaotic human activities it all worked out in the end.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getImageCount() on null in /home/rob/apps/whiteacorn/php/Skin/Helper/RenderGallery.php:94
Stack trace:
#0 /home/rob/apps/whiteacorn/php/Skin/Helper/RenderGallery.php(62): RenderGalleryObject()
#1 /home/rob/apps/whiteacorn/skins/rtw/php_templates/entry.php(31) : eval()'d code(10): RenderNamedEntryGallery()
#2 /home/rob/apps/whiteacorn/skins/rtw/php_templates/entry.php(31): eval()
#3 /home/rob/apps/whiteacorn/php/PhpTi/Template.php(243): include('...')
#4 /home/rob/apps/whiteacorn/php/Controller/Posts.php(110): PhpTi\Template->display()
#5 /home/rob/apps/whiteacorn/php/Controller/Dispatcher.php(56): Controller\Posts->show()
#6 /home/rob/apps/whiteacorn/php/Framework/Application.php(74): Controller\Dispatcher->dispatchController()
#7 /home/rob/apps/whiteacorn/index.php(66): Framework\Application->run()
#8 {main}
thrown in
/home/rob/apps/whiteacorn/php/Skin/Helper/RenderGallery.php on line