Today we decided to venture off roads of motorway quality onto national-highway standard roads, so at Calatayud we turned NW onto the N-234 towards Soria and eventually Valladolid and then back onto motorways into Salamanca. The N234 turned out to be a good choice with lots of small villages this time with the road going right through the middle rather than bypassing as was the case yesterday on the motorway. We discovered that every village has at least one church (some times more) that seems to be much larger than could be justified by the size of the village and that many of those churches (and also many electrical poles) have their own resident Stork and brood.

After what was for us (and our slow ponderous vehicle) a long day of driving (400+km) we got to the northern suburbs of Salamanca and spent nearly an hour negotiating our way along the Eastern bypass that was really only a series of city streets linking numerous round-abouts before finding the N-501 and our intended camping place at Camping Regio. Turned out to be a pleasant campground attached to a nice hotel and with a small number of campers from various parts of Europe.