As you can see from the date on this entry we have spent a week at the Kaş campground and have generally had a pleasant time. The weather has varied between wild winds and torrential rain to nice calm sunny days with temperatures warm enough (both air and water) to encourage us to even go swimming (once).

In addition to lounging around we have enjoyed a new found abundance at the local super markets (though we still cannot find great cheese and good coffee).

I took the opportunity to examine the broken camper step and discovered after some poking around that I could infact remove it from the camper body without destroying anything. So with the help of a passing German engineer (a German couple traveling by boat and camper just happened by, while I was working on it) I got the step assembly off the camper and comfirmed that the problem was a broken "shoulder bolt" - that's a bolt where the shaft without the thread if thicker than the part with the thread. Thus the problem became "how to get a replacement for this very special bolt".

After a days thought I decided to visit the local Marina, it looked like a very up market establishment and might have the ability to make me a new bolt. So off I went with the broken sample and also with a very large bolt I was carrying as a spare - maybe that could be the stock from which the Marina could make a new bolt.

To cut the story short a bit, it took nearly 3 days of repeated visits but eventually I had my brand new custom made shoulder bolt. Yippee! next step was to install the bolt, re-assemble the step, and mount the step back on the camper. That was a bit of a trial as (from the photos you can see) I did not have what you would call the "right tools" but never the less I got it done and now we have functioning steps again.

The bad news is that I discovered that the case of the electric step motor is cracked and the motor assembly will need to be replaced. But that won't happen until Germany.

Nina and I did a bunch of other chores while in Kaş, tidied the storage areas, washing, cooking, new valves in some of the tires, checked various oil levels, (Nina) organized our thousands of photos.