The weather changed for the worse overnight so this morning we were greeted by rain and howling winds. Not a good start to a day of sight seeing. A bit east of last nights camp we came to Aybyrgi, a gas station, visitors center and campground at the northern end of a spectacular gorge. The significant thing about this gorge is that (scientists believe) it was carve in a matter of days by a huge flood as a result of a volcanic eruption under a glacier. Despite the rain we took a short walk to some of the viewing sites.

Heading south along a muddy, pot-holed track we came to the second of the days sights, more volcanic wonders at Hljodaklettar - a collection of bizarre rock formations. As you can see from the photos the weather did not cooperate and we only took a brief look at these sights.

Farther south we came to what should have been the highlight of the day the water fall of Dettifoss. By this point the weather was horrible, temps in the mid 30s, howling wind and rain. But we did our duty and walked the 1km to the falls, took 2 photos and escaped back to the warmth of our camper.

A bit south of Dettifoss we found a side road well off the highway for our nights camp.